I’ll miss eating beijinhos for dessert
A huge disadvantage of leaving one’s home country for college is having to leave the food behind. Tuition cost? New culture? Big school? New city? New friends? Away from family? Those are minor concerns when compared to the difficulty of having to adapt to new foods and eating habits (okay, they’re probably not minor concerns, but I like to think they are so that my transition isn’t as scary). But still, there are certain things we’re used to eating on a daily basis, or at least when we go to birthday and holiday parties, that we just can’t let go of.
In my case, I will miss eating beijinho; I consider it one of my best friends because it always cheers me up whenever I’m feeling upset. It’s just so sweet!
I can’t really complain, because I’ve lived in the United States before, so I’m used to the style of food served there (especially because I’ve been to camp during my summers and had the college food experience). But still, what will I do without my beijinho? If you haven’t tried this Brazilian delicacy, then I suggest you do so—immediately. You can buy it at the closest bakery, any coffee shop, or even buy the ingredients and make it yourself.
If you’re not sure what beijinho really is, no, it doesn’t refer to an actual small kiss (“beijo”); it is the cousin of our more popular brigadeiro (made of chocolate), but in my opinion, beijinho is clearly the better option. It is made of condensed milk and butter, sometimes with coconut bits. It is commonly found at birthday parties, but I have the privilege of enjoying it pretty much every day. Before I forget, there’s also the quimdim, a friend of brigadeiro and beijinho, but made with eggs as well. Not everyone really appreciates it, but I also enjoy it (and I probably won’t find it in the U.S. either).
Here at Graded, if you didn’t know yet, the snackbar is now selling delicious cups filled with beijinho. Yes! It’s real and it’s accessible! The sad part is, we seniors are leaving for college, and many of us won’t have that privilege of indulging in beijinhos every now and then… it makes me so sad!
In case you brigadeiro lovers are wondering, I am not discriminating against you. I love brigadeiro too, just not as much as its cousin. Of course I’ll have plenty of bakeries in the U.S. with lots of delicious cookies and cupcakes, but they will never replace the beijinho’s place in my heart. Perhaps I sound a little too dramatic, but whoever’s eaten it and enjoyed it knows exactly what I’m talking about. I’ll come back to visit my friends and family here in Brazil, obviously, so it’s not like I’ll never eat it again, but I’ll certainly miss it. Oh, and I’ll miss my family and friends, too…

Julia has been a part of The Talon for three years, as a POV columnist and Features reporter. She enjoys singing and, of course, writing. Her POV section...