War and Peace Restored in the UN Headquarters


Credit: Candido Portinari, War and Peace, 1952-1956

The works of art, War and Peace, created by one of the most highly respected Brazilian painters, Cândido Portinari, were recently re-inaugurated in the United Nations Headquarters. The whole set of paintings work together as a representation of the atrocity of war and the importance of peace in the world. It was on Tuesday September 8, 2015, that the timeless murals were celebrated by several special guests, among whom were several heads of states, iconic artists, and the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. During this event, the people shared a moment of silence in order to honour Mr. Portinari and his contributions. Overall, the murals were acknowledged as a symbol of obtaining and working towards worldwide peace.
Brazil had joined the United Nations on 24 October 1945, and the entire set of War and Peace were gifts from the Brazilian Government to the United Nations. According to sources, during the long term process of creating the murals, Portinari had been becoming increasingly sick because of the paint he used. Doctors had warned him about being intoxicated due to inhalation, which would cause a decline in his health. Despite this, Portinari was dedicated to finishing his masterpieces, through which he hoped to send an important message to the world. He was able to complete the timeless murals, though sadly, this cost him his health: he passed away on February 6, 1962 due to lead intoxication. Nevertheless, Mr. Portinari remains eternal through his numerous paintings, such as O Lavrador de Café and of course, the murals of War and Peace. As UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon stated during the re-installation, “Portinari is no longer alive, but his legacy will live forever at the United Nations. Let us realize his vision and move from war to peace.”

Once the set of paintings were received in 1956 by the UN headquarters located in New York, they were then placed behind glass frames and restricted from the public in order to stay away from any damage. However, during 50 years, the panels were still exposed to sunlight, which unfortunately impaired them. In 2010, the UN sent the extraordinary works to Rio de Janeiro in order to be restored. After going through a long restoration process, the paintings were then displayed to the public in Brazil and France, before being sent back to New York in December 2014. The murals remained covered and kept away, until the re-inauguration on September 8, 2015.

War and Peace are more than magnificent works of art. They are Portinari’s call to action. Thanks to him, all leaders who enter the United Nations see the terrible toll of war and the universal dream for peace.

— UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

Cândido Portinari’s War and Peace is crucial to the understanding of war, regardless of the time period. It does not feature any weapons, but instead features the suffering of victims from war, which illustrates the barbarity of combat. The contrast between the elements of chaos and harmony show how important it is to maintain peace and attempt to end violent conflicts. Mr. Portinari had sacrificed his own health for the murals, as they were and still are a representation of the worldwide struggle for peace. During the re-inauguration, Ban Ki-moon stated, “War and Peace are more than magnificent works of art. They are Portinari’s call to action. Thanks to him, all leaders who enter the United Nations see the terrible toll of war and the universal dream for peace.”

Sources: un.org, g1.globo.com, epoca.globo.com