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The student magazine at  Graded School

The Talon

The student magazine at  Graded School

The Talon

The student magazine at  Graded School

The Talon

Clara Mikellides De Chiaro

Clara Mikellides De Chiaro, POV writer

Since a large amount of Clara's free time is spent indoors, it's only fitting that she'd be interested in writing, another conveniently indoor-centered activity. She wouldn't be able to stop talking if she tried, which is rather ironic considering the fact that she's not the most eloquent of speakers. Equipped with heaping handfuls of opinions she's never short on ammunition and will talk your ear off if you're willing to listen. She's got a stance on almost any topic so it only makes sense for her to write for the POV section. This will be her first year writing for The Talon and she is beyond excited to be a part of The Talon experience.

All content by Clara Mikellides De Chiaro
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