Activities to Try While In Quarantine
It’s a “normal” weekend during quarantine. On a Friday night, instead of going out with friends or family, you are obligated to stay at home (and the same goes for the rest of your weekend). Of course, Juniors and Seniors will find themselves receiving millions of emails about CAS updates, EE deadlines, among many other IB requirements; meanwhile, Freshmen and Sophomores will most likely be receiving emails from teachers about a missed deadline on an English paper or a science project.
Once you complete all of your assignments on your to-do list (if that’s even possible), you may find yourself staring at your empty inbox, or just bored out of your mind, as you’ve already watched everything on Netflix. Don’t worry, though;, a group of Graded students are here, looking to help you find ways to entertain yourself during these unprecedented times. Oh, and BTW, even if you haven’t completed everything on your to-do list, it’s a good idea to take a break and take some time for yourself. Below are some suggestions:
Luísa Miglorancia: learn a new TikTok dance. She promises it is entertaining and can be the source of a great laugh.
Sofia Segall: Take your shoes off, get your racket, step on the sand, and start playing beach tennis. Even though Sofia may sometimes get stressed during the game, she explains how it’s better than getting stressed with something school-related.
Marina Mizrahi: Register for online courses from famous schools worldwide to explore your interests – there are amazing opportunities online.
Thereza Protasio: Cooking pasta with different sauces is her go-to activity. Her favorite ones so far have been Carbonara sauce, Mac & Cheese, and Penne Alla Vodka.
Luna Andrade: Design. Luna took the time to work on what she most loves – fashion. In her free time, she is able to find new trends in style and get inspired for her own clothing brand, @lunaastreetwear.
Isabella Tonanni: Put your sports outfit on and go to the gym. You will be able to take your head off of all of your college applications or school assignments, while also staying healthy.
Allegra De Vettori: Start a new social project. Once the COVID situation improved a little, Allegra, started distributing packed lunch in Cracolândia. She finally had the time to start a new project that she was passionate about.
Cristina Krueder: Get a mat, go outside, and practice some yoga.
Olivia Soriano: Take the time to organize your room, your drawers, and your closet- you will find many objects of no use to you that can be very useful for others.
Margaux Hollard: Bake sweets with your mom. It’s the perfect time to bond with your family members while doing an activity that brings further joy.
Me: Lie down on your favorite couch, or somewhere outside in the sun, and simply read a good book. Not only will your health thank you after all of the hours staring into a computer or cellphone screen, but you will also get to wander in your imagination and find amazing new interests and passions.
While these may be difficult and stressful times, exploring new activities will definitely make quarantine easier. Hopefully, you found some inspiration among these different “quarantine tips” and will adopt them in your pandemic lifestyle. From my own experiences, it’s worth trying them all – they will each surprise you indifferent, amazing ways.

Manu's journey in the Talon only started this year, but better late than never. Now a senior, Manuzinha, Nu, Ranu, or whatever nickname people call her,...